Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
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Online Programs
AP® exam registration
How do I get the MENSA discount for a CTY online course?
How do I pursue school credit for my child’s CTY online course?
How do students qualify for CTY Online Programs?
How to pay for a CTY Online Course
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Access and Technical Requirements
How do I access my CTY Online course?
How do I access my Johns Hopkins K12 email account?
Online courses technical requirements
What should I do if my child has trouble logging into their course?
Course Information
Choosing an Online Programs course
How is CTY’s online course content delivered?
How long will I have access to the course materials and instructor feedback?
Introduction to Forensics (NCAA Approved) - Course Materials
Maximum capacity for session-based and LIVE online courses
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2025 New Online Offerings
How do the new offerings compare to the existing LIVE courses?
If my child already took the in-person version of this course, would enrolling them in the online version be redundant and not recommended?
What are the formats for these courses? When and how often are the meeting times?
What differences besides modality are there between an in-person and an online version of the same course?
What is a challenge course?
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How are LIVE courses different from other CTY online courses?
When will I find out what the CTY LIVE course materials and associated costs are?
Will my child receive a grade for their CTY LIVE course?
Can my child attend the same CTY LIVE class at a different time slot or watch a recording to make up work if they miss a class time?
How do I change my synchronous class time for my LIVE course?
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